Duelling Strings

Alway was curious if nylon strings sound "better" on my Saga open back 5-string banjo. So I recorded "Soldier´s Joy" (and I´m sorry for the mistakes) with nylon and steel strings alternatingly. Recorded with ZoomH2, using the freeware Audacity. Video made with Windows moviemaker.
The result for me:
I like the frailing feeling more with steel strings. They are harder and more resistant to the frailing finger. Nylons want to be hitted very hard to give the wanted response. But played by a non-expert like me, the acoustic difference is less than I would have predicted. Ok, the recording is not professionally done, so this may be the reason why the different parts of the audio file sound very similar to me.
Not so in "real life". The nylon strings sounded a little muffled to my opinion, in particular the 3rd and 4th string. So I will keep the steel strings on the banjo - at least as long as I don´t have a second instrument.


Ahrensfeld hat gesagt…
Wolfgang, maybe it would be helpful to use a "minstrel style bridge" for nylon strings. See the posting of Cathy Moore on her blog: