Did It Again

Yesterday I screw up my courage again and took my banjo to the open stage in Kiel´s Statt-Café. Lucky me I met an experienced fiddler who let me accompany him. Before the jam we did a short rehearsal for just five or ten minutes in an adjacent room. It turned out that he (of course) knew "Ragtime Annie" and "Cripple Creek". So we did this on stage.
Second time ever for me to play with a fiddler. It was lots of fun - especially when his microphone began to turn gradually and then flipped off totally, so that we had to make a break to fix it. :-( So we had a second try with "Ragtime Annie". But "Cripple Creek" went (pretty much) perfectly - to my humble opinion. As these seemed to be the only tunes which both of us knew and all the other gigs had three pieces of music before, I had enough guts to play "Sandy Boys" solo then. I think it was ok, anyway I was happy when I finished it.
This time again there was this red curtain behind me. But I hope my face was not in the same shade this time.
There should have been photos from the July session, but I am afraid the photographer deleted them (too much red?).

During the breaks between the various gigs on stage tradition of these events wants the so called "Session Band" to play whatever they like to fill the breaks. Everybody who likes is invited to join the "Session Band". They always like Irish jigs and reels and they like them pretty fast. Uli told me that they were usually in D, so I tried to follow them up only to learn that not the speed but the chord progressions were a bit tricky. I will have to hear this kind of music more often to learn to understand it. E.g. they began in D, so I capoed up two frets and played my C-shape chord (with F and G). But then suddenly they continued in A (or a-min?) and when I began to realize this they were back in D again. And they were fast, especially this young girl with her tin whistle and flute who could have been my granddaughter and played like hell. When did she learn this? I mean she had not years of time to learn. Did she begin in the Kindergarden?


Ahrensfeld hat gesagt…
Hallo Wolfgang, da wäre ich mal wieder gerne dabei gewesen. Aber leider bin ich diese Woche krank (nein, keine Schweinegrippe, nur eine leichte Bronchtis). Daher muss auch unsere angedachte Somerset-Martin-Session diese Woche ausfallen. :-(
Nächste Woche könnte es aber was werden. :-)
Hartmut hat gesagt…
Moin Wolfgang,

well done!!

Beste Grüße aus Hangover!