Es geht los, 2. Teil

Damit der Rest der Welt mitbekommt, was sich hier tut, diesmal gleich auf Englisch:

As you can read on Patricks "blog" on his site (look for the text of Sept. 30th) he will go to Germany and afterwards back to Norway from where he will be leaving Europe. Sadly, there´s no time for the UK.
I regret this very much because of Danny, Dick and the other guys from England and Scotland who expected him so much. But I think Patrick´s reason is very much ok. He cannot do half of Europe in two weeks.
But Danny, Dick and the other guys? OK boys (and girls?)! We start a second project:

It´s called "Let´s Haul the UK-Frailers to Kiel!"

My encouragement to all of you who were eager to meet not only Patrick but the other frailers: Come over to Kiel!
Workshops are arranged for Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd.
You may arrive any time you like.
There should be cheap flights from London/Stanstead to Hamburg/Lübeck. We could try to pick you up and bring you back from/to the airport (about 1 1/2 hours from Kiel). You could live one or some days in an hotel in Kiel or some hostel (rooms for several people together, mostly young people) which should be cheaper.
If there is a problem with financing the trip drop me an email. Maybe some of us could help in some way or other.

Think about that. Let me know (via comment or via email) what you think about it.
And for God´s sake don´t ...
... dismiss the idea of coming to Kiel (sorry DoD for that. It had to be done)
