Back Home Again

After several days of sightseeing, admiring wonderful pieces of art, enjoying French cuisine and struggling with French language every day life is back again.
During the last days I was getting withdrawals from (one of) the most important things in life. I already began to see it everywhere:

The Big Banjo:

The White Banjo:

Kissing Banjos:

The Painted Banjo:

The Holy Banjo:

The Staple Banjo:

Cold Turkey:


Wolfgang hat gesagt…
To those who were asking what those photos are all about:
Impressions from Paris - where I have been without my banjo.
Anonym hat gesagt…
Hallo Wolfgang,

you must have been befogged by the grandiouse sights, but there is no doubt: the first objekt ist a clarionet!

best regards

Wolfgang hat gesagt…
@ Katrina:
Or a tin whistle? At least it´s not carved out of wood.