
Es werden Posts vom März, 2009 angezeigt.

Kiel Retreat

All participants of the retreat should have received an email with details by now. If I forgot someone, please let me know (I´m only learning as an event manager ;-)

Michael J. Miles

Anoybody knows this banjo player? I didn´t before long, when Blacky, a frailer from Kiel, gave me the CD "The Magic Banjo". It really is magic! There are lots of beautiful tunes (and songs) on it. Amongst them a traditional called "De Schottische". I have no idea why it´s got a name which nearly looks German. I could not help but trying this wonderful piece (hoping not to destroy it with my "skills"). I know there are some mistakes in it and I´ll try to hit the fifth string a bit more often but softer next time. Well, I´m learning. But I thought this tune is worth being introduced to you, my dear listener. Just try to make it better. De Schottische

Kiel Retreat

Einzelheiten zum Wochenende im September habe ich jetzt auf beschrieben. You may find an English version there too

Ashokan 2nd

James added his guitar and writes: "I think this is the chord sequence for guitar. G C G D / G C G D / G G7 C G D / G G7 C G D / G G7 C G D G The melody line is in there too." Have fun!


Meine Schuhe waren in jahrelangen Einsatz für Recht und Gesetz, Familie, Musik und so weiter derart abgelaufen, dass sie dringend neue Sohlen brauchten. Und was sehe ich da im Regal des Schuhmachers, als ich sie wieder abhole? Dieses wunderbare Paar Cowboystiefel zu einen Spottpreis! War so was schon immer mein Traum? Eher nicht! Aber der Teufel muss mich geritten haben, ich konnte einfach nicht den Laden ohne diese Boots verlassen. Jetzt muss ich noch Rio Bravo gucken, um den authentischen John-Wayne-Gang zu erlernen. Und dann die Titelmelodie von Bonanza aufm Banjo. Bitte um Verständnis, wenn mein Musikgeschmack sich jetzt Richtung C&W entwickeln sollte. Hört denn die Midlifecrisis nie auf? Ist übrigens der erste post vom Handy direkt aufn blog.

Ashokan Farewell

At the retreat in Sheffield last December James taught me this tune. Not before now I thought I could publish it - some parts were tricky for me. Anyone from the Transcontinental Jam Session Band wants to join in? Ashokan Farewell

The Villa

On Sunday I had a look at the "Villa", the place where we´ll meet in September for the retreat. We will have a great time there, I´m sure. As the weather was fine (for about 55 minutes ;-) my family and me enjoyed the view over the "Förde", the bay which the Villa lies on. To give you an idea what the view from the "Captain´s Room" is like, look here: From other windows on the second floor this is what you may look at: Was it not for the music, the scenery would be worth visiting.


(Almost) no time for making music, the job runs wild just now. I still like our rendition of When He Cometh Early (see post from January 27th). So a few days ago I added some baglama to it. Bagla-what? Baglama! Here is what it looks like: Usually it is played in greek rempetiko style, but it goes together with banjo, guitar and mando too. What do you think of this: Transcontinental Baglama Jam ?

Kiel Retreat

When I started to think of another get-together for the frailers last year after having left Sheffield, I was very much afraid that there never would be enough people for a Kiel retreat. But our community seems to be strong enough to continue the sharing process - and to win new friends. Just now we are about 15 guys and gals! Never would have dreamt of a number so high. I´m happy to meet (at least) six friends from the Sheffield and the Crisfield retreats again - and can´t wait to introduce Patrick to our "newcomers". All those who dropped me a line that they would like to come will soon get an email from me containing more details. Is there anyone who would like to join in? Tell me, before it´s too late. The villa will be very comfortable with 16 persons, one or two more might not be a problem. But it would be wise not to house even more, because the sleeping facilities are best used with 16-17 folks. We´ll blow (or frail) the Baltic Sea pretty much away, folks!!! Here´s a ...