Problems with mp3-player

Got a new PC. Installed Windows XP-Home, three service packs included.
My old PC had the same OS. But when I plugged in my Creative ZenTouch mp3-player at the old PC, I could see it as a new drive there and drag and drop my mp3-files from the PC´s harddisc to the player.
Now with the new PC I cannot even see the new drive. Seems to be a driver´s problem. The USB port doesn´t work with this device. I tried to install the Creative software from the CD which went with the player, but that didn´t help. I tried to actualize the driver (from the Creative web site), but that didn´t help either.
Did anyone have this problem before and knows what to do?

(my external harddisc works pretty well with USB.)


Anonym hat gesagt…
Try uninstalling the driver, restart the PC, then reinstall the driver without the player hooked to the USB port. Most USB device drivers need to be loaded first without the device being hooked up.Restart after you load the driver, then try plugging in the device. Hope that helps