What shall we do with the ... Kiel Retreat?

Or, better question - as the retreat will surely happen (hope so) - : what shall we do AT the retreat?
Eat and drink (am curious to experience "Frailer´s Cuisine"),
and play.
And have one or two workshops?
But which?
After I managed my first bump-ditties (which took me some time) I always loved the drop-thumbs which guys like Patrick or others throw in every now and then. Apparently there are players who use drop-thumbing almost regularly throughout the whole tune and others who do never or at rare spots. To do it correctly and keeping the rhythm really is a challenge for me. Not before long I began to use it every now and then. It spices up a tune. But I´m far from doing it the right way. So I thought of the words: What is the most promising way of learning? Teaching to a student!
What if we have a little workshop on "Drop-Thumbing"? It´s like the blind teaching the blinds - but in the end we will see the light!

Another issue came up at the UK Folkies forum. Some alexx there wrote: It would be great to learn some UK/international originated more 'popular' songs.
We could talk about and show and play "new" songs with the bump-ditty (more or less). Just got mail from a friend in Hannover who did Neil Young´s "Mellow My Mind" with his banjer in a very apealing way. Hopefully the guy will come to Kiel too - he is working on this.

Anybody else having ideas about the retreat? Someday I will post a list of songs which usually are being played at those events. We will be able to share lyrics and chords via email. Someday I will have time for that ...

COME ON GUYS, don´t hesitate to apply for the retreat!


greatnorthstrum hat gesagt…
Hi Wolfgang,

I`ve taken this approach concerning Non conventional pop songs on the Banjo,




There`s others on my Youtube page, such as Girlfriend in a coma, and Creep.

Keep frailing,

Ahrensfeld hat gesagt…
I think a little drop thump exercise would be nice, because for me it's a complete mystery to incorporate a drop thump into the frailing pattern.

I also like to learn a few "Non conventional pop songs on the Banjo" as MC Clawhammer (congratulation for the name) suggests. I would like to learn some songs from The Fall, for example "Room To Live" or other catchy and rhythmic stuff from the highly gifted Mark E. Smith. I always thought The Fall's music fits perfectly to the banjo, but maybe I'm wrong ...
Wolfgang hat gesagt…
Well, Werner, "more popular songs" like "Room to Live"?
Mh, popular you say? Never heard The Fall before :-(

But if there are more than one who know The Fall, we will definetly give ´em a frail.
Ahrensfeld hat gesagt…
No, I didn't said "popular", dear Wolfgang, I said "non conventional pop songs", quoting MC Clawhammer.
Ahrensfeld hat gesagt…
Room To Live:
