Highly Recommended
Last year I heard and saw Evie Ladin in Gainsborough. Yesterday I received the new edition of the "Old Time News", FOAOTMADs quarterly magazine. Besides interesting articles about the English OT-scene it always contains some CD reviews and this edition has an article about Evie Ladin's new CD "Riding the Rooster". The author David Mepsted is so enthusiastic about it that I immediately went to Spotify and opened the album. It is as full of energy as I remember Evie Ladin from Gainsborough. This bundle of energy surely has the groove! The CD is just fiddle (played by various friends of EL) and banjo (EL) and contains some well known and some (to me) unknown tunes recorded really very carefully. Banjo is almost entirely on the right loudspeaker, fiddle on the left. So you can reduce the fiddle and hear the banjo unbelievable clearly on the right hand side with only a quiet fiddle left on the left (of course you can reduce the banjo to hear just the fiddle -but who wants this ). David Mepsted writes: "The liner notes say that this is a field recording, and mostly unrehearsed... The effect is very much as though the changing duos are sat, not quite knee to knee, but only a short distance from each other and directly in front of you." This really is true. Superb duos! I felt tempted to grab the banjo and join in at one or two tunes but soon learned that EL not only plays in another class but in another speed too... I think I'll run my app "Amazing Slowdowner" through it and give it another try some of these days.
If you use Spotify, try this
If you use Spotify, try this