From Friday 12. Feb on I will join the festival in Gainsborough, England, organised by the Friends of American Oldtime Music and Dance FOAOMAD. Not only will there be banjo workshops and sessions, but also a workshop (?) about sacred harp singing. I never heard about that, no idea what this was so I looked it up on YouTube and Wikipedia. This is amazing. Very different to the type of singing in my church when I was a child. Not for the lyrics but for the overwhelming passion and sound I envy those people who apparently love there singing.
(They could silence every banjo...)
Falls also die Neugier groß wird: einfach mal hinfahren!
Übrigens ist Tim Eriksen einer der wichtigen "Missionare" des Sacred Harp Singing. Den könnte man als Oldtime-Banjo-Spieler ja kennen... ;-)