
Es werden Posts vom Oktober, 2018 angezeigt.

Sitting Room Picker

Noodling around with Angelina in Achnamara with Dick´s Banjo:


Achnamara is past now and we all are looking forward to next year. Between 10 and 15 musical freaks (?) sang the old - and even new - songs and had lots of fun. There were even new participants who had a ball too. One of them was given a ukulele which she only had touched once before in her life - and soon she joined the session with the usual three chords. A musical talent 😉 And the God of Banjos helped us out of our fanatic restrictions on frailing banjos. This is the story: I ad taken the bus and was picked up in Lochgilphead (which is very close to the middle of nowhere😉) by Dick, our host in Achnamara. Just when he loaded my banjo into his car a passer by asked him "This is a banjo?" It turned out he was on holiday near by and was a bluegrass banjo player, who had is banjo with him in his hotel (surely he used it with a banjo mute). Of course Ian was invited to our Ceilidh on Saturday evening. He came to Achnamara and enriched our night through ...

On the Road again

Going over to Achnamara to have some fun


Zum Banjoree hingefahren bin ich mit dem festen Vorsatz, nur zu spielen und zu gucken, aber nicht zu kaufen. Nun ja, kaum angekommen, bin ich wieder mal rückfällig geworden. Da lag ein Mountain Banjo von John Huron, das unbedingt mit mir mitwollte. Ok, da ist es: Und so klingt es, wenn ich noch nicht viel geübt habe:

Banjoree 2018

und nun warte ich auf das 10. Jubiläum des "Flying Circus of European Frailers" in Achnamara. Und vorher noch ein (oder mehr?) wee dram auf Islay...

So gar aufm Klo?

@b anjoree





Looking Forward

On Wednesday I will head for this years Banjoree. And next week I will head for Scotland. Not sure what I am looking for more: the bump-a-dit-ty-guys at the banjoree or the bump-ditty-guys in Achnamara 😉