Es werden Posts vom August, 2013 angezeigt.
Video v. Oh My Darling in Bordesholm, Aug 22nd 2013 - 1/2
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Natürlich waren Oh My Darling am Freitag in Bordesholm wieder ein Erlebnis. Ihre Spielfreude ist so beeindruckend, dass der Abend die reine Freude war. Alle Darlings sind hervorragend, dass mich aber besonders das Clawhammer-Spiel von Allison de Groot begeistert hat, ist natürlich klar. Ich werde demnächst ein paar Fotos und hoffentlich auch ein Video hochladen. Die CDs der Band könnt Ihr an den bekannten Stellen bestellen.
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Speaking of England: One of my favorite bands is touring England these days. Oh My Darling from Canada. If my buddies from England are reading this: Be sure not to miss the girls! Not only the clawhammer banjo player (Allison De Groot) is amazing. So is the whole band. Am 23.8. spielen sie in Bordesholm . Und da will ich hin. Hier ein Foto von ihrem Nürnberger Auftritt, bzw. von der Pause:
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This years jamming event for not only banjoists but all sorts of folkies is scheduled for November 8th until 10th near Newcastle in Broomley Grange . We will meet there and play the songs we played in Crisfield, Maryland, in 2008, Sheffield in 2008, Kiel in 2009, Newcastle in 2010, Dublin in 2011 and Kiel in 2012 (and some other tunes). Quite impressing series I think :-) Thanks again to the Costellos for igniting the spark. Anyone wanting to join in send me an email, I will tell you the details. I will miss the banjoree :-( but I would never miss the Flying Circus of the European Frailers.
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For banjo-afficionados there is a place in Northern Germany: The next Banjoree will happen September 13th - 15th in Proitzer Mühle , which is 1 1/2 hour south/east of Hamburg - if you take a car. Paddling with your banjo on the river Elbe could cost you some more time. Unfortunately I will not join the Banjoree this time (never thought I would miss a banjoree, but this year´s timing is quite difficult for me). But all others pickers, frailers or strummers should go there for sure.